Equity In Every Drop: Season 2 Trailer

Equity in Every Drop: Season 2 Trailer

Welcome back to Equity In Every Drop, where we continue to spotlight the vital work of the Waterkeeper movement in the fight for clean, safe, and equitable water for all. In our first series, we explored the intersection of water, climate change, and environmental justice with guests from the United States, Senegal, and The Bahamas. 


Now, in our second series, we explore factory farms — industrial facilities that wreak havoc on water and air quality, human health, and the economic well-being of residents and small scale farmers.  These operations, often shielded from public scrutiny, release toxins that contaminate local water sources, degrade air quality, and harm surrounding communities.

Join host Thomas Hynes as we bring you compelling conversations with legal experts, health officials, and local community members who endure the consequences of these toxic facilities. Together, we uncover the true cost of factory farming and highlight the resilience, resistance, and hope of those on the front lines of this environmental struggle.


Whether you're a seasoned advocate for clean water or just starting to understand the impacts of factory farming on our environment and communities, this series provides the insights and inspiration needed to make a difference. We examine the policies, actions, and solutions required to combat these harms and work towards a future where every drop of water is safe, clean, and equitable.

To learn more about our global movement and how you can support the fight for environmental justice, visit waterkeeper.org.

Stay tuned for another season of powerful conversations that demand equity in every drop!

Creators and Guests

Thomas Hynes
Thomas Hynes
Thomas Hynes is the Communications and Marketing Manager for Waterkeeper Alliance. In addition to podcast hosting and production duties, he manages and writes all sorts of editorial content for the organization, including blogs, feature articles, advocacy alerts, email campaigns, social media content, and more. Thomas grew up on the Long Island Sound in Connecticut and now makes his home two blocks from the East River in Brooklyn, New York. He primarily commutes across the river to the Waterkeeper Alliance office via ferry boat. Thomas was drawn to environmental work in order to take an active role in the fight against climate change and help bring justice to the rotten polluters who seek to ruin our shared resources. Before working at Waterkeeper Alliance, Thomas wrote a nonfiction book about the history of wildlife in New York City. "Wild City" also highlights the power and success of the Clean Water Act, and other environmental regulations, in leading an unlikely ecological turnaround. In his spare time, Thomas photographs the many tugboats traversing the city’s various waterways. Thomas lives in Brooklyn with his wife and their son. They can be found most weekends walking or biking along the East River.
Lori Harrison
Lori Harrison
Lori Harrison is the Communications and Marketing Director for Waterkeeper Alliance. She oversees multi-faceted communications and marketing activities to advance the organization’s mission of protecting our right to clean water in communities around the world. With 25 years of experience in strategic water communications and mission-based work, Lori is an award-winning writer and content creator. Her expertise lies in translating complex concepts into relatable ideas, fostering engagement, and promoting sustainable practices and solutions. Her work not only aims to protect clean water, public health, and the environment but also focuses on "connecting the disconnect" between people and this essential resource. Before joining Waterkeeper Alliance, Lori had a background in corporate marketing for professional sports and held various communications and creative positions with a non-profit educational organization for global water professionals. Notable achievements include creating the WATER'S WORTH IT® grassroots awareness campaign and writing the award-winning children's book, “Why Water's Worth It,” designed to educate and inspire the next generation of water protectors. Lori lives in Virginia with her husband and their two children.
Equity In Every Drop: Season 2 Trailer
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